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来源: 互联网      时间:2023-06-17 15:55:30


1、纪念日 [jì niàn rì]n. memorial day双语例句:1.But on this Memorial Day, as on every day, we are called to honor their ultimatesacrifice with more than words. We are called to honor them with deeds. 但在阵亡将士纪念日这一天,如同其他纪念日一样,我们不仅要用言语来向他们崇高的牺牲精神表达敬意,更要以实际行动来表达敬意。

2、2.But I also hope that as you do so, you’ll take some time to reflect on whatMemorial Day is all about; on why we set this day aside as a time of nationalremembrance. 但我希望大家在做这些的时候,稍花一点时间思考阵亡将士纪念日是什么,以及我们为什么要设立这样一个国家纪念日。



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